Only Two More To Go

Marty watched silently as Dyson broke into the op room. There was nothing more he could have done and he knew that, although the dead body on the table in front of him might have had a different opinion.

- What the hell just happened? Why the hell is he dead, Marty?
- Not my fault, Dyson ... calm down and walk with me...

Marty and Dyson got out of the operating room and started walking the seal corridor back towards the cryo chamber. A few steps down the hall, Marty broke the looming silence.

- It's hopeless, Dyson. The first two we tried woke up in a coma. You asked me to push a bit harder on this one ... and here we are. I think it's time we start accepting that these people are not going to make it back...
- Damn it, Marty... I know you can do it. This could be a real turn-around for all of us, I can't just stay and do nothing knowing we have Biron alive but we cannot interrupt his fucking nap time.
- Didn't you just see what happened? A man is dead, Dyson...
- I don't fucking care, this is why I asked you to start with the others, so that we will have a clear and safe procedure when we wake him up. He is the only one I care about waking up right now. You have three more subjects to go, make the analysis of the last operation and then proceed with the others.
- Actually ... this is another thing I need to talk to you about. I wanted to perform a few more studies before opening it up. I'd say we have only two more to go.

They stopped in front of one of the cryo bays.

- And here she is... After the excitement of the discovery settled down, we started to take a closer look at all the bays. As you can see, Byron and the misses over here are isolated from the rest, and in strange proximity to one another.
- Yes, now that you mention it ... So, who is she?
- That, my friend, is a very good question. The manifest doesn't present a name and the cryo bay has some very interesting modifications. It appears her brain waves are active on more levels than the rest. Logs indicate a spike in activity just about when your guys came through that door ten days ago. In fact, if you watched the monitor since we came in, there have been a couple of minor spikes, I'd say she knows we're here, which we both know is impossible since cryo bays are fully isolated.
- Are you saying she's awake?
- Not quite... but I am confident she will be when we put her through the procedure... With this amount of brain activity, she'll pull through, no question about it. And there's more. Biron has only very low level brain activity as the rest of the pack, but his micro-spikes are matching most of hers ... There's something very strange going on between these two...

- Anyway, whatever is going on between this one and Biron, don't get your hopes up. Biron's brain is buried deep and it will take a miracle to dig him out. There's only two more to go, Dyson, I suggest you prepare for the worst ...

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